Sunday, February 21, 2010

Upcoming Workshop March 20 For more information go to


  1. e Feb 21st suggestion to keep a list of several days of interdependent activities--I didn't have to do it! These new behaviors have been happening in the past month after a number of ARC sessions and were just waiting to be acknowledged. Thanks for the space to do it!

    1.When I've been at a crossroads in my life in the past, I see now that I've jumped into a relationship/hooked up with someone who has what I think I need, want ie. info/security/fame/fortune. How co-dependent of me! Now that I can own this behavior, I observe myself attempting to rely on my own strengths/resources like researching at the library, spending time thinking, mapping, doing exercises and wondering what I really want and working towards making this shift from the inside out as well as the outside in.

    2. I've disconnected from 3 people who I feel have no free attention and who I found uninteresting and de-energizing--yes I was giving much more than I was receiving. I hate to say it but thot I might reap some benefits if I hung in there-not! I somehow didn't get the sense this was dishonest behavior --just another flavor of cdp I'm aware of.

    3. I'm not asking questions of people I have no interest in hearing the answers for--caught myself doing this--trying to be nice, make small talk, be personable. Yuk! The quiet is sometimes uncomfortable but I can dig it.....ride it out.

    M. K. Joss

  2. Thanks for the comments, Madelainne. Its exciting and challenging work. I like how you say you can "own this behaviour". I hear you saying that when we do this we have the potential to creatively respond to life and, as a wonderful byproduct, we open space for others to creatively respond to their lives. Mutuality, respect, community: interdependence.
